The NEXUS Class of 2025 began in August with Orientation, a day filled with opportunities to meet fellow participants, learn more about NEXUS, and participate in some mentor training.
NEXUS IN MOTION is a class favorite with NEXUS Alumni leading timely table discussions and a keynote message. Participants rotated through table discussions while connecting with members of the NEXUS Network. NIM took place in April with keynote speaker Mayor Paul Young.
NEXUS Night Out
In April, NEXUS Night Out at the Dixon - Celebrating 20 years took place. Members of the NEXUS came together to toast and reflect on the remarkable journey of NEXUS, celebrate the impact NEXUS has had on over 1200 leaders, and share the excitement for the future!
NEXUS Volunteers
Members of the NEXUS Class of 2025 recently volunteered with Make-A-Wish Mid-South. Other organizations this year's NEXUS class has chosen to volunteer with CHIPPS, Make-A-Wish, St. Jude Marathon, and Wolf River Conservancy.
Monthly Sessions
Each Month NEXUS hosts Local Key Leaders to Speak to Mentors and Proteges about Leadership Topics NEXUS believes each leader must master
Donate and Impact NEXUS
NEXUS is thankful for the members of the NEXUS Network and our partners. We continue to be the vehicle for leadership development and equipping leaders for our city.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
This past year has been very rewarding as we celebrated 20 years of NEXUS and reflected on the remarkable journey and all that we have accomplished. We are excited to look ahead to the next twenty years and the many individuals NEXUS will impact starting with the NEXUS Class of 2025.