“Can I dream to be the best? Do I have the courage to dream?” -Rob Carter
Rob Carter is a exceptional leader and presenter. We have hosted him at NEXUS several times and his presentation at the December session was the most impactful that I have heard.
Rob Carter, Senior Vice President & Chief Information Officer for FedEx Corporation shared from past experiences when he dreamed to lead and the method he has used to help him become a successful leader that continues to dream. He stated the reason we exist, is the “I am” which is a fundamental concept of Dreaming as a Leader. He shared a tool to assess the main dimensions in our lives and to determine if we are living a life in balance. Six areas he asked us to evaluate daily and to identify goals within included: Family, Social, Physical, Spiritual, Mental, and Professional. He challenged everyone to start the “I am” process within the next 48 hours.

To listen to the NEXUS December session, CLICK HERE